Program on Hypnosis
This is a program for healthy people seeking to improve some aspect of their lives.
For the purposes of this hypnosis training program, hypnosis is defined as, “. . . an education-communication process by which the conscious and subconscious hold congruent messages.” (Anne Spencer, 1988)
"Hypnosis is a therapy of the people, for the people, by the people." (Mark GilBoyne, 1987)
This is the first of a four part Human Development series. The four programs are: Basic Hypnosis (HYP100), Hypnotherapy (HYP200), Advanced Hypnotherapy (HYP301 medical / healing applications and HYP302 spiritual / multicultural applications) and Hypnoanalysis (Course 400). This series offers experiential learning, growth and development. You will participate in practical skills for personal growth and professional applications.
These are all interactive, psycho-educational programs requiring a signed release for recording, and the involvement of all participants for optimal learning experiences.
If you want certification with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), this course provides approved hours. Certification with IMDHA has a minimum 220 hours of which there is a minimum 150 hours of live instruction in person or online. With attendance, participation, reading and case presentations, a student can complete sufficient hours for certification by attending HYP100, HYP200, and HYP300.
CEs for licensed professionals are not yet available. ****
In this section You will learn how to formulate direct suggestions. You will develop awareness of and fluency in effective direct suggestion. You will practice clarity of intent, developing positive, creative, inspiring, solution focused thoughts, ideas, and behaviors. You will explore mindful awareness of your mood, state, motivation and follow through on goal achievement. You will practice letting it go of stress and RELAX! You will practice mindful body awareness and learn to relax quickly. You may find yourself surprised with how often you are already using self hypnosis in your life. You will learn about the conscious / subconscious / superconscious, the power of suggestion, your ability to espond to suggestions, trance inductions, deepening, emergence, abreaction, the law and ethical practice of hypnosis.
Session #1: Chapters
101 – What is Hypnosis. 102 - History of Hypnosis. 104 – Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious. 107 – Formulating Suggestions. 119 – Independent Study
Session #2: Chapters
103 – Signs of Hypnosis. 105 – The Nature of Suggestion. 110 – Inductions. 112 – Emergence. 114 - Abreaction.
Session #3: Chapters
106 - Suggestibility Tests. 108 – Things That Influence. 109 - Depth vs. Quality of Response. 111 - Deepening. 113 - Identifying Your Subjects.
Session #4: Chapters
106 - Suggestibility Tests. 107 – Formulating Suggestions. 110 – Inductions. 111 - Deepening. 112 – Emergence.
Session #5: Chapters
115 – Red Flags. 116 – Hypnosis and the Law. 117 – Vocabulary. 118 – Reading List. 120 – Potential Applications
Session #6
Q & A. Open Book Exam
Required Reading List:
Dahl, M. G. (1994). Hypnotherapy: Volume I, Basic Hypnosis (HYP100) (this can be purchased on Amazon.)
Syllabus. Updated with each class since 1994. contact author at for the lastest version of the syllabus
Gawain, S. (2010). Creative Visualization: Use the power of your
imagination to create what you want in your life. (originally published in
1978). New World Library.
Hadley, J., and Staudacher, C. (1996). Hypnosis for Change.
Hunter, R. (1996). The Art of Hypnosis: Mastering Basic Techniques.
Lecron, L. M., and Bordeaux, J. (1959). Hypnotism Today.
Course Requirements
Attend the training: Saturdays, 10:30a – 8:30, six Saturdays with breaks on holiday weekends.
Practice the techniques demonstrated.
Do the homework and in class assignments,
Participate in class discussions, giving feedback and reporting on your experiences, observations, curiosities, insights and findings.
Give an informal oral presentationon how you intend to apply Hypnosis and suggestibility in your profession or life, on the last day.
Optional: take final exam to accumulate hours for certification (220 hours minimum, 150 live attendance required) with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA)
This material is best learned by practicing.
This highly interactive program requires the involvement of all participants. Each participant is expected to practice being a hypnotist or a subject for this process, and ideally to report what was experienced in the selected role(s).
Plan to work with as many different people as you can so that you can observe different responses.
The first part of each day will begin with a group induction customized with a round robin of attendees’ suggestion.
Each person attending is expected to cultivate and articulate goals, positive suggestions, and a keyword to harness the focused power of the unconscious / subconscious mind.
This class has six (6) weeks of opportunity to practice your skills with a professional helper as your assistant for guidance and dual inductions.
The primary instructor will demonstrate the group hypnosis processes the first weekend, on subsequent weekends the participants will be requested to volunteer to practice facilitating a group hypnosis experience.
We will structure the participant customized suggestions with a focus on what each person hopes to achieve using effective statement building to develop direct suggestions. This means that each participant will provide a positively structured statement for things such as :
a) the innermost strivings of the hearts aspirations
b) what the person can notice when they stop focusing on a problem
c) what the person can imagine to positively transform life for the better
d) the person’s desired progress of each day and /or,
b) any long term goals for personal, scholastic, athletic, activist, creative, philanthropic, political, and / or professional development.
Ideally, after each practice session, we reconvene as a group to share our experiences, questions, insights, curiosities, unexpected findings, and yearnings that have emerged and are not yet explored or fully satiated.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller)
Demonstrations of each exercise are followed by practice with other participants.
You are encouraged to invite a study buddy to attend the entire program to have someone to share the learning with. You are asked to bring in volunteers to practice as your demonstration subjects, or be prepared to ask other CLASS participants to be your practice subjects.
Bring food and drinks, feel free to eat during our time together.
You are free to step out when your body or environment calls, and move around when your body needs it. You may find it comfortable to lay down during exercises.
Plan for 10 minute breaks ~ every 90 minutes.
Plan for a 1 hour lunch around 1pm
If you want to accumulate additional hours toward certification, spend your lunch break in class discussing topics pertaining to mind power, or related topics.
We will practice an after lunch group hypnosis integrating the keywords you selected during the morning. The instructor will facilitate the first week, students will volunteer to facilitate this post lunch group experience during the additional five weeks.
With 2 – 3 practice groups a day, we have 10– 15 group sessions you can be volunteering to practice as a hypnotist, based on the round robin model demonstrated by the instructor on the first day of class.
At the end of the day, plan time for questions, digging deeper into areas of specific interest to you, and practicing exercises. We can include an optional closing session round robin.
Those who seek certification will complete the:
Basic Hypnosis (Course 100 – required) 54 hours live
Up to 6 learn through lunch hours
Up to 5 additional hours are available through the weekly hypnosis jam, Wed., 6:30p
20 hours of reading - Manual
10 hour of reading - Syllabus
and Hypnotherapy (Course 200)
Advanced Hypnotherapy (HYP300).
Hypnoanalysis (Course HYP400)